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Wednesday January 1, 2014
Start: 15:30

Year 2014 will be started in the Prague Dragon Boat Club by the new year ride on a dragon boat. It will be the 7th year of this event. And it will be a ride towards the Prague Municipal Fireworks.
This year the fireworks will be fired from the hill "Letná" and we will watch it from the boat somewhere int the city center.

What to carry on:

Friday January 31, 2014
Start: 00:00
End: 23:59

Last day in January the Chinese new year will start.

This one will be the year of the Horse and of a wooden horse.

Horse in the Chinese lunar calendar presents on the one hand, industriousness and diligence , which helps him overcome a difficult situation . The horse is also a good friend to help you solve problems. On the other hand, it is a wild untamed horse, which can be also impatient . Among the negative features are also some demands on autonomy, which manifests itself not elected to undergo , prone to violations of order, and in extreme cases, the opportunity to run wild .

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